Events - 2013 Events

December 12, 2013

Mark Oberti gives a presentation for the National Employment Law Institute at the the Ritz-Carlton Hotel in New Orleans, on the "Growing Surge in Retaliation and Whistleblowing."

November 14, 2013

Mark Oberti gives a presentation for the National Employment Law Institute at the the Four Seasons Hotel in Chicago, on the "Growing Surge in Retaliation and Whistleblowing."

October 23, 2013

From 5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. EST Mark Oberti will present a CLE entitled Sarbanes Oxley & Dodd Frank: Updates in Whistleblowing Cases & Retaliation via a live webcast and in front of a live audience at's headquarters located in New York City.

September 27, 2013

Mark Oberti and Joseph G. "Chip" Galagaza of Jackson Lewis LLP speak before a group of local Employment and Labor Law Mediators in a presentation entitled "Employment Mediation Update: New & Emerging Implications for Mediation" to the Association for Conflict Resolution - Houston Chapter, at its Advanced Workplace Mediation Training put on in collaboration with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission of Houston, and the South Texas College of Law Frank Evans Center.

September 4, 2013

Oberti Sullivan begin blogging on Texas non-compete law. Mark's detailed paper on Trade Secrets, Noncompetes, and the Inevitable Disclosure doctrine is linked.

August 12, 2013

Mark Oberti and Ed Sullivan speak before the Labor and Employment Section of the Houston Bar Association. Along with Joe Ahmad, they discussed the recent Supreme Court term.

August 11, 2013

Mark Oberti's speech to Lawline on "15 Tips For Starting A Successful Plaintiffs Employment Law Practice"

August 1, 2013

Mark Oberti is published in the Thurgood Marshall Law Review on the "New Wave of Employment Retaliation and Whistleblowing"